Thursday, July 7, 2011

What to expect at the Baker's Market?

Whenever I go to a new restaurant, I try really hard to not have high expectations...'cause if I do, I will be disappointed. Having said that, what do you expect to see at the Baker's Market in Vancouver?

I've seen some reviews on Yelp saying that our very first marktet a few years ago was rather small, others saying that "I can make this stuff at home".

For something to become big, it must start off small. Think of a growing fruit or a growing baby....yes, although it is small, it doesn't mean it isn't great or won't be great.

As for the other comment, I can give only kudos to all the bakers who follow their passion, to give up their spare time to bake and offer it to other foodies who are also passionate about their food.

Most of the bakers who come to the Baker's Market are not full time bakers. They are full time mommies or daddies, full time folks with other types of jobs during the day.

The Baker's Market is only possible due to the participation of local community bakers. It is a fun market 'cause of the people and customers it attracts.

Cant' wait til October 1 when the Fall 2011 Baker's Market in Vancouver opens up again. It is like Xmas day for me since I can always be surprised by the scrumptious goodies that the bakers bring.

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